


</P> <P>51.It may be inferred that a European-style service______. <BR>A . is tipping-free         B .charges little tip <BR>C .is the author’s initiative      D .is offered at Per-se <BR>52.Which of the following is NOT true according to the author . <BR>A .Tipping is a common practice in the restaurant world. <BR>B .Waiters don’t care about tipping <BR>C .Customers generally believe in tipping. <BR>D .Tipping has little connection with the quality of service. <BR>53.According to Michael Lynn’s studies, waiters will likely get more tips if they______ <BR>A. have performed good service <BR>B. frequently refill customers’ water glass <BR>C. win customers’ favor <BR>D. serve customers of the same sex <BR>54.We may infer from the context that “upwelling”(Line 2, Para 6) probably means ________ <BR>A. selling something up <BR>B. selling something fancy <BR>C. selling something unnecessary <BR>D. selling something more expensive <BR>55.This passage is mainly about __________ <BR>A. reasons to abolish the practice of tipping <BR>B. economic sense of tipping <BR>C. consumers’ attitudes towards tipping <BR>D. tipping for good service <BR>Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage: <BR> “I promise.” “ I swear to you it’ll never happen again.” “I give you my word.” “Honestly. Believe me.” Sure, I trust. Why not? I teach English composition at a private college. With a certain excitement and intensity. I read my students’ essays, hoping to find the person behind the pen. As each semester progresses, plagiarism(剽窃)appears. Not only is my intelligence insulted as one assumes I won’t detect a polished piece of prose from an otherwise-average writer, but I feel a sadness that a student has resorted to buying a paper from a peer. Writers have styles like fingerprints and after several assignments, I can match a student’s work with his or her name even if it’s missing from the upper left-hand corner. <BR> Why is learning less important than a higher grade-point average(GPA)? When we’re threatened or sick, we make conditional promises. “If you let me pass math I will ….” “Lord, if you get me over this before the big homecoming game I’ll….” Once the situation is behind us, so are the promises. Human nature? Perhaps, but we do use that cliché(陈词滥调)to get us out of uncomfortable bargains. Divine interference during distress is asked; gratitude is unpaid. After all, few fulfill the contract, so why should anyone be the exception. Why not ? <BR> Six years ago, I took a student before the dean. He had turned in an essay with the vocabulary and sentence structure of PhD thesis. Up until that time, both his out-of-class and in-class work were borderline passing. <BR>I questioned the person regarding his essay and he swore it I’d understand this copy would not have the time and attention an out-of-class paper is given, but he had already a finished piece so he understood what was asked. He sat one hour, then turned in part of a page of unskilled writing and faulty logic. I confronted him with both essays. “I promise…., I’m not lying. I swear to you that I wrote the essay. I’m just nervous today.” <BR> The head of the English department agreed with my finding, and the meeting with the dean had the boy’s parents present. After an hour of discussion, touching on eight of the boy’s previous essays and his grade-point average, which indicated he was already on academic probation(留校察看), the dean agreed that the student had plagiarized. His parents protested, “He’s only a child” and we instructors are wiser and should be compassionate. College people are not really children and most times would resent being labeled as such…. Except in this uncomfortable circumstance. <BR>56.According to the author, students commit plagiarism mainly for_____. <BR>A.money B.degree C.higher GPA D.reputation <BR>57.the sentence “ Once the situation is behind us , so are the promises’ implies that_________. <BR>A.students usually keep their promises <BR>B.some students tend to break their promises <BR>C.the promises are always behind the situation <BR>D.we cannot judge the situation in advance, as we do to the promises <BR>58.The “borderline passing”(Line 3,Para.3)probably means____________. <BR> A.fairly good B.extremely poor <BR> C.above average D.below average <BR>59.The boy’s parents thought their son should be excused mainly because_______________. <BR> A.teachers should be compassionate <BR> B.he was only a child <BR> C.instructors were wiser <BR> D.he was threatened <BR>60.Which of the following might serve as the title of this passage? <BR> A.Human Nature B.Conditional Promises <BR> C.How to Detect Cheating D.The Sadness of Plagiarism <BR>Section IV Translation (20 points) <BR>Directions: In this section there is a passage in English Translate the passage into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. <BR> Powering the great ongoing changes of our time is the rise of human creativity as the defining feature of economic life. Creativity has come to be valued, because new technologies, new industries and new wealth flow from it. And as a result, our lives and society have begun to echo with creative ideas. It is our commitment to creativity in its varied dimensions that forms the underlying spirit of our age. <BR> Creativity is essential to the way we live and work today, and in many senses always has been. The big advances in standard of living –-not to mention the big competitive advantages in the marketplace--always have come from” better recipes, not just more cooking.” One might argue that’s not strictly true. One might point out, for instance, that during the long period from the early days on the Industrial Revolution to modern times, much of the growth in productivity and material wealth in the industrial nations came not just from creative inventions like the steam engine, but from the widespread application of “cooking in quantity” business methods like massive division of labor ,concentration of assets, vertical integration and economies of scale. But those methods themselves were creative developments. <BR>参考答案 <BR>人类创造力的提升,作为经济生活所定义的特征,为我们这个时代正在发生的巨大变化,提供了巨大的动力。因为新的技术,新的工业,新的财富都伴随着创造力产生,创造力逐渐受到重视。所以,我们的生活中和社会中,开始回响着创造性的思想。正是我们在各个方面对创造力的认同,形成了我们这个时代潜在的精神。 <BR> 创造力对于我们今天的生活和工作是致关重要的,从许多意义上来说曾经也是。在不设计大市场中大的竞争优势的情况下,生活水平的大幅度提高总是来自更好的食谱,而不是更多的烹饪。也许会有人提出这并不完全正确。有人也许会举例指出,从早期的工业革命到现代化时代这么长的时期内,在工业领域中,许多生产效率的进步和物质财富的增长并不仅仅来源煜创造性的发明,如蒸气机,还来源于讲求量的商业方法的广泛应用,比如大规模的劳动力划分,资本集中,纵向联合和经济规模。但是这些方法本身就是创造性的发展。 <BR>Section V Writing (20 points) <BR>In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following table. Describe the table and state your opinion. You should write at least 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET </P> <P>Accidents in a Chinese City (2005)</P> <P>Main accident causes<BR> Number of accidents</P> <P>in 2005<BR> Percentage rise (+) or fall (-)<BR> <BR>Drivers training left without due care<BR> 608<BR> +10%<BR> <BR>Drivers turning too close to other vehicles<BR> 411<BR> +9%<BR> <BR>pedestrians crossing roads carelessly<BR> 401<BR> +12%<BR> <BR>Drivers driving under the influence of alcohol<BR> 281<BR> +15%<BR> <BR>Drivers failing to give a signal<BR> 264<BR> -5%</P> <P>2007年MBA英语联考真题参考答案</P> <P>  Section I Vocabulary and Structure (20x0.5= 10 points )</P> <P>  1--5: BAADB 6--10: DCCDC </P> <P>  11--15: BACCC 16--20: BABAD世纪考试网版权所有</P> <P>  Section II Cloze ( 15 x 1=15 points)</P> <P>  21--25 CADBA 26—30 BDCABB </P> <P>  31--35 ABDBA 36—40 BBCDC </P> <P>  Section III Reading Comprehension ( 20x2=40 points )</P> <P>  41--45: CADBC 46--50: BCADA</P> <P>  51--55: ABCCA 55--60: CBDBD</P> <P>  Section IV Translation ( 20x1=20 points ) (参考译文)</P> <P>  作为经济生活所表明的特征,人类社会创造力的提升为我们这个时代正在发生的巨大的变化提供了巨大的动力。由于许多新的技术,新兴的工业以及新的财富都源自于创造力,所以,它的价值业已凸现出来。因此,各种创新的观念开始在我们的生活和社会中传播开来。正是人们在各个领域对创造力的认同才形成了我们这个时代精神的基础。</P> <P>  创造力对我们当今的生活和工作方式至关重要,而且在许多方面始终如此。生活水平的大幅度提高总是来源于更好的食谱,而不只是烹饪更多的食品,更不用说在市场条件下那些大的竞争优势了。然而,有人则会认这并不完全正确。比如说,有人也许会指出从早期的工业化时代到现代这么长的时期里,一些工业国家的生产力的大幅度提高和物资财富的大量增长并不仅仅是来自于象蒸气机这样的创造性的发明;而且还得益于“大量烹饪”商业模式的广泛使用。如大规模的劳动力的分工,资产的集中,纵向联合以及规模经济等,但是所有这些模式本身就是创造性的发展。</P> <P>范 文 <BR>As can be seen from the above table, comparing to the past, in 2005, the traffic accidents in Chinese city were still ignored by both drivers and pedestrians. Records show that some badly changes had taken place in the following aspects. </P> <P>In the year of 2005, accidents in a Chinese city caused by drivers training left without due care grew 10%, which is 608 in total. And drivers turning too close to other vehicles cause the number of accidents to be 411, which is 9% added comparing to the past. Although there was only 281 accidents related with drivers driving under the influence of alcohol, it still increased 15% which was the greatest change of all. Besides the drivers, the table also tells us those pedestrians crossing roads carelessly can’t be ignored, with which the number of accidents is 401 associated. </P> <P>  It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that are responsible for the changes . For one thing, the government is still not aware of the necessary of strict training for drivers. It is government officers’failing in their duty that make the drivers training left without due care. For another, divers do not have true understanding in importance of save. Many drivers even drive under the influence of alcohol; some drivers turn too close to another vehicles or overtake another vehicles in front in order to catch pleasant sensation for a moment. Besides, an important factor worth our concern is that our pedestrians always cross road crossly. some citizens even violate traffic rules in order for convenient. </P> <P>Considering the current issue and worsening situation, we should call for some immediate actions. In other words, our government of various levels must make relevant plans or rules to guarantee every drivers having strict training. Besides, the general public should also be made aware that any prompt solution is of benefit to all. </P> <P>Therefore, it’s the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the action. As a driver, we should drive his car carefully, especially when the weather is bad; as a pedestrian, we should not cross a road when the traffic lights do not permit them to</P> <P> </P> <P> </P>