21. 请求 Requests
a.Can/Will/Could/Would you ...for me?
Will/Can/Could/Would you please . . .
May I have ...
b.Please give/pass me ....
Please wait (here/a moment).
Please wait (for) your turn.
Please stand in line/line up.
Please hurry.
c.Don't rush (hurry) /crowd.
No noise, please.
No smoking, please.
22. 劝告和建议 Advice and suggestions
a.You'd better (not) ..-.
You should/ought to . . . .
You need (to) ....
b.Shall we ..?
Let's ....
What/How about . . .
Why not ...
Why don't you ... ?
23. 许诺 Promises
I promise . . . .
I will give ...to you.
24. 表示焦虑 Expressing anxiety
What's wrong?
What's the matter (with you)?
I'm/He's/She's. worried.
Oh,? what shall I/we do?
25. 表示惊奇 Expressing surprise
Oh dear!
Is that so?
Good heavens !