



        6.道歉.遗憾.同情和应答 Apologies, regrets,sympathies and responses
  I'm sorry.
  I'm sorry for/about . . . .
  I'm sorry to hear ....
  b.Excuse me (for ....)
  I'm afraid of . . ..
  What a pity/shame!
  c.That's all right.
  It doesn't matter.
  That's nothing.
  7.邀请和应答 Invitations and responses
  a.Will you come to ...
  Would you like to ...
  I'd like to invite you to ....
  b.Yes, I'd love to (...).
  Yes, it's very kind/nice of you.
  c.I'd love to, but ....
  8.提供 (帮助等)和应答 Offers and responses
  a.Can/Could/Shall I help you?
  Is there anything (else) I can do for you?
  Do you want me to ...
  What can I do for you?
  Let me do/carry/help ...(for you).
  Would you like some ...
  b.Thanks.That would be nice/fine.
  That's very kind of you.
  Thank you for your help.
  Yes, please.
  Here, take this/my ...
  c.No, thanks/thank you.
  Thank you all the same.
  That's very kind of you,? but ....
  9. 约会 Making appointments
  a.Are you/Will you be free thisafternoon/tomorrow?
  How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening?
  Shall we meet at 4 :30 at ...
  b.Yes, that's all right.
  Yes, I'll be free then
  c.No, I won't be free then.But I'll be free....
  d.All right.See you then.
  10. 意愿和希望 Intentions and wishes
  a.I'm going to ....
  I will . . . .
  I'd like to . . . .
  I (do not) want/hope to ....
  b.I want/hope/wish to ....
