
47岁英国人自己播送天气预报 欲挑战国家气象局


内容导读:据英国《每日邮报》16日报道,47岁的英国人坎西克西蒙因不满英国气象局从来都不准确的天气预报,愤而决定用自己的设备来播送天气预报。 西蒙的天气预报站链接到了互联网上,为网民提供实时气象资讯,每3秒钟更新一次数据,24小时不间断服务。——学网新闻频道





西蒙的天气预报站链接到了互联网 每3秒钟更新一次数据

  According to the Daily Mail, on August 16, Simon Cansick , a 47-year-old British citizen, got so fed up with the “wrong” weather forecasters from the national meteorological bureau that he decided to start predicting the weather using his own equipment.

  Simon linked his own weather station to the internet and provides live information 24 hours a day, automatically updated every 3 seconds. The station has proved so accurate that farmers in North Yorkshire villages are ignoring the Met Office forecasters in favour of his readings.

  “We naturally check the weather forecast every day and plan things round it, only to find out that the forecasters got it wrong. It just ends up spoiling the day,” said Simon, “A lot of the information collected by the Met Office for this area is based on what is happening in Scarborough, which is by the sea. So I just thought I could do a better job than the professionals.”

  Simon Cansick, who works as an accountant, spent £1000 ($1566) on his meteorological equipment. He also plans to set up a service which measures and records soil temperatures for supplying farmers with information.



